Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Open House Hosted by Zinc Air Inc

See Full Article HERE
Though Zinc Air’s first out-of-facility installations of its power-storage batteries are a few months away, the company has been expanding so fast it is housing some of its engineers in a trailer behind its Columbia Falls-area building.

The company currently has 45 employees after hiring half a dozen — many from Montana State University — in the last month.

“A lot of these folks are MSU graduates who have had to leave the state for employment and are now finding jobs back here in Montana,” said Kevin Waldher, vice president of business development.
“They really pump out some high-quality graduates between MSU and Montana Tech, and there’s such a work ethic with people from Montana. It’s nice to bring people back, and they’re hard workers.”

The vice president of manufacturing, John Lowell, is an example of someone excited about the opportunity to work in Montana. He left a $7 billion-a-year company in Toronto to join Zinc Air.
The company is developing cutting-edge, patented battery solutions for storing and generating power. Zinc Air products will help solar, wind and traditional power companies by allowing energy to be distributed when it’s needed, not just when it’s produced.

The company is finalizing its Z20 storage unit and received its second patent last week, “which will greatly improve our energy capacity and cost reduction of our systems,” Waldher said.
In the company’s most recent investor newsletter, a message from Zinc Air president Dave Wilkins summarizes the optimistic outlook at the company:

Zinc Air has methodically and diligently endeavored into the grid storage market. We have assembled the best business, sales, marketing, engineering, electrical and chemical experts from varied industries, including semiconductor, battery and fuel cell, software and electronics and manufacturing.”

The company is looking to begin local installations, its first deployments outside of its own facility, in April 2013. Larger deployments are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2013, Waldher said.
Another recent Zinc Air development is the addition of former CIA director James Woolsey, who has joined the company as chairman of Zinc Air’s senior advisory board.

“Bringing the caliber of someone like Jim Woolsey onto the team takes our industry exposure to another level,” Wilkins wrote in the newsletter. “Jim has been a leader in the renewable industry and provides tremendous insight to the military applications for our technology.”
Zinc Air held a by-invitation open house and plant tour on Thursday.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Zinc Air Inc Leading the Way for Energy Storage

Zinc Air Inc is on the cutting edge of renewable energy and energy storage systems. Renewable Energy World has a company page featuring the Zinc Air Inc information. Visit the page at http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/partner/zinc-air-inc/about

Zinc Air Inc. (ZAI) exists to fulfill Edison’s vision of providing reliable and plentiful storage to the world. We have leveraged simple, clean and efficient energy storage technology which was developed under corporate and the Department of Energy sponsorship. We are bringing our battery to market to fundamentally and permanently change the reliability, stability and efficiency of the existing electrical grid.

Zinc Air has established an impressive intellectual property portfolio with 15 patents pending and five international PTC applications. Recently, the company received notice that its first patent application was allowed, which was critical to our planned cost reductions in the near future. In addition to the filed patents, the company continues to innovate with several additional patent applications in process.

The company’s fundamental patent filings cover all areas including core chemistry, system design and battery operation. Several of our patent applications are inter-locking providing additional security of our entire patent portfolio. The company’s patent strategy is being led by its CTO, Ron Brost, PhD, who headed up Ford’s Fuel Cell Patent Committee for eight years. Ron is working closely with our patent counsel, Brooks Kushman, P.C., to ensure the proper execution of our patent strategy and intellectual property development.

1. Fluid Flow Simulations 4. Electrode model
2. Electrical / Thermal 5. Structural Models
3. Shunt current Modeling 6. Manufacturing
Renewable Energy Sources
Green Energy
Clean Energy
Energy Storage Grid System
Energy Efficiency Resources

Monday, November 12, 2012

Zinc Air Inc: New Video on A Revolutionary Approach to Storing Energy

Zinc Air Inc has developed a revolutionary approach to storing energy and creating renewable energy sources. It is proposed that the energy needs for the world can be reconciled with a combination of RESs and large scale storage solutions. Zinc is a logical cost-effective means to achieve this and will allow regional interests to generate their own grid infrastructure with the natural resources at hand. In particular, ZAI’s Z-20 family of products can meet these needs with both high power and high capacity cells suitable for large-scale deployment on the electrical grid, and provides the lowest-risk path to stable carbon emissions, energy security, and the establishment of a safe means to develop our nation.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Zinc Air Inc Profiled in Bloomberg Business Week

Zinc Air Inc profiled in Bloomberg Business Week

Zinc Air, Inc. focuses on the development of sustainable energy storage solutions for transportation and smart grid applications. It has rights for the zinc-air fuel cell, a mechanically rechargeable zinc-air fuel cell for remote power and transportation applications. The company has a strategic partnership with Juhl Wind Inc. Zinc Air, Inc. was founded in 2009 and is based in Columbia Falls, Montana.

Zinc Air Inc is getting more attention as information about their revolutionary Zinc Air renewable energy storage grid is being released.

5314-A US Highway 2 West
Columbia Falls, MT 59912
United States
Founded in 2009


Monday, October 22, 2012

Zinc Air Inc Producing Grid Storage System

Storage is an invaluable human ability. We store food in places where it won’t rot. We store cherished personal mementos. We store information, in far-reaching digital formats and home file cabinets. And we store energy when we can.

But David Wilkins says, for all our strengths in storing life’s necessities, we are sorely lacking in our ability to store one of our most fundamental forms of energy – electricity – on a large scale. His business, Zinc Air Inc., exists to address that void.

Zinc Air, headquartered in a building on U.S. Highway 2 near Columbia Falls, has brought together an accomplished team of scientists and businessmen who boast the types of resumes that let you know they are serious about what they do.

Together, they are preparing to introduce to the market a grid storage system – a battery – that uses flow battery technology and is capable of storing large amounts of electricity with cost-effective efficiency.

 Zinc Air, a private investor-funded enterprise, currently has 14 full-time employees, not including subcontractors, but both Wilkins and Hayes say that number will grow substantially. Hayes said his company has “a strong bias toward Montana” and would like to keep operations here, noting that “the state government is aware, very aware, of our desires and has been helpful.”

 For more information, go to http://zincairinc.com.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Zinc Air Inc Working with Energy Pioneer Jigar Shah

Jigar Shah pioneered a financing model that's contributed to a recent boom in solar-panel installation. He's now looking to do the same for other clean energy technologies.

In 2003, Shah founded SunEdison, a company that developed a way to build corporate and government solar installations by securing agreements to purchase the resulting electricity. It was acquired for $200 million in 2009. Now he's becoming a partner in a new clean-tech fund, Inerjys, which is raising $1 billion to tackle what Shah views as the biggest obstacle to reducing carbon emissions and fossil fuel consumption. He argues that the choke point is not in developing new breakthrough technologies, as some investors believe. Rather, he says, it's in finding "breakthrough deployment" models that would move technologies into widespread commercial use.

Shah says the traditional venture capital model has forced the founders of clean-tech companies to relinquish too much equity in hopes of scaling up and commercializing their breakthroughs. He says that has been a bad situation for all involved: founders become less motivated as their ownership is reduced, and yet this model hasn't given many companies enough capital to make significant progress

At Inerjys, Shah wants to turn his attention to "underappreciated technologies" like Rentricity's. In his most recent position as CEO of Richard Branson's nonprofit climate-change initiative the Carbon War Room, he says, he unearthed hundreds of technologies in more than a dozen sectors that could return their initial investments within two years.

Another example Shah cites is Zinc Air, a Montana-based startup developing a grid-storage battery based on an established chemistry that could be profitable in some regions today. Zinc Air vice president Craig Wilkins says the company is avoiding federal government grants and loan guarantees and plans to market its technology to stand on its commercial merits. He's optimistic as he seeks investment to build the first commercial projects, but he must overcome the poor reputation that clings to battery companies after previous failures. Like Zammataro at Rentricity, he says new financing models for the energy storage market, such as what Shah did for solar at SunEdison, would be a big innovation for him.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Zinc Air Inc Working for Energy Independence Goals

The following is an excerpt from an article posted by  James Greenberger:

"In his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, Mitt Romney referred to his plan for the United States to achieve energy independence by 2020.  That plan is explained in a little more detail in a document entitled “A Romney Plan for A Stronger Middle Class: Energy Independence”, which was released earlier this week by the Romney-Ryan campaign.

Whether it is realistic to assume that energy independence can be achieved by 2020 is beyond the scope of this column.  Nevertheless, the Romney-Ryan plan makes for an interesting read.  While the plan proposes to support a wide range of energy production—petroleum, gas, coal, and even renewables—its promise of energy independence centers on the purported existence of large quantities of economically recoverable domestic petroleum and the assumption that a lot more economically recoverable domestic petroleum will soon be discovered.

Energy independence is a laudable goal, even if based on large increases in domestic petroleum production.  Although its allegedly favorable impact on gasoline prices is oversold, increasing the domestic production of liquid hydrocarbons would make U.S. energy supplies more secure, improve our balance of trade, and create significant additional domestic employment.

 Electricity storage technology, deployed in automotive and grid-supporting applications, is certainly part of the long term solution.  Funding the necessary development and deployment of that technology during a period of relative petroleum abundance will be difficult for the private sector to do alone.  We should watch with interest what the two campaigns have to say about this issue in the weeks ahead and not allow the country to be lulled into complacency by promises from either campaign of a short term fix."

Zinc Air Inc. is a company working on solutions for renewable energy storage. Zinc Air understands the technologies and the needs and they have the expertise behind their innovations. For more information, visit www.ZincAirInc.com.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Zinc Air Inc Highlighted in Do Business in Montana Newsletter


Look who Created 33 Jobs!

Zinc Air has created 33 jobs as of today and continues to grow with a goal of creating a total of 42 jobs.

Nine Montana Companies from around the state were honored with an innovative business award at the first annual Governor’s Innovation day and Awards Dinner at Montana State University. Zinc Air, Inc. from Columbia Falls was honored.The company is developing a grid storage system focused on breaking the cost benefit threshold which is currently limiting widespread adoption of alternative energy. Zinc Air is developing and delivering a battery system that is safe, sustainable and cost effective which will allow for a rapid industry adoption, wider social acceptance, and facilitate a reduction of fossil fuel carbon emissions.

For information regarding ZAI’s line of energy storage product contact Mr. Dave Wilkins, CEO - ZAI, at 406-755-9462 (dave.wilkins@zincairinc.com)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Zinc Air Inc: The Prospects for Grid Scale Energy Storage

Zinc Air Inc: The Prospects for Grid Scale Energy Storage

The economic engine of the United States uses over 40 quadrillion BTU’s per year, with only a small portion of this being supplied by renewable energy sources (RES’s). The limited adoption of RES’s is primarily due to the unreliable nature of their power production characteristics with regard to consumption.  A solution to this problem is large-scale energy storage, which would allow RES’s to be seamlessly integrated into our electrical grid. However, an electrical energy storage method must meet three criteria:
  1. 1.     The device must be safe, environmentally benign, and efficient
  2. 2.     The resources must exist to build the devices
  3. 3.     The device should cost no more than the lowest cost of an alternative energy source such as gas-fired turbines.
ZAI’s Zinc – Iron Flow Battery uniquely meets these requirements and is therefore a long term and logical choice for grid-scale energy storage.
ZAI’s zinc – iron flow battery consists of a zinc / zincate anode, a cathodic iron anion complex in an aqueous alkaline supporting electrolyte, and proprietary high efficiency electrodes in a stack configuration that allows parallel electrolyte feeds without significant shunt losses. The selection of chemistry permits the use of common and low cost materials such as zinc oxide, iron salts, polypropylene, steels, and nickel coatings. The electrochemistry has round-trip energy efficiency comparable to lithium ion, yet as a water-based electrolyte, provides unsurpassed safety.  The low cost, safety, and efficiency inherent to this system thereby provides a natural scalability to the megawatt-hour range and above.
The commercialization of the ZAI Zinc – Iron battery has focused on three critical areas:
  • Electrodes:  ZAI has developed high efficiency (low polarizing at low flowrates and low gassing) electrode designs and alloys that improve the cost of operation of the battery. Consequently, these electrodes allow high power charge and discharge that makes the designs suitable for a variety of revenue streams.
  • Electrolytes: Low-cost aqueous electrolyte blends have been developed that improve the deposition quality of zinc and thus capacity and allows extended reliable service. In addition, these electrolyte blends allow higher concentrations of metal salts without the associated problems of precipitation.
  • Manifolds: A manifolding system has been developed that minimizes parasitic shunt currents without impeding flow significantly.
Using these innovations, ZAI has developed the Z20-60 (60kW / 120kWh) energy storage system, which is scheduled for production in 2013. The Z20 is a containerized module, designed to be integrated into megawatt-sized systems. The Z20 is among the most cost effective solutions, is location independent, and yet still covers a large application range for flexible revenue options.
It is proposed in this presentation that the energy needs for the world can be reconciled with a combination of RES’s and large scale storage. Zinc is a logical a cost-effective means to achieve this and will allow regional interests to generate their own grid infrastructure with the natural resources at hand. In particular, ZAI’s Z-20 family of products can meet these needs with both high power and high capacity cells suitable for large-scale deployment on the electrical grid, and provides the lowest-risk path to stable carbon emissions, energy security, and the establishment of a safe means to develop our nation.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Zinc Air Inc. Named a Presenter at Upcoming Venture Capital Conference

Columbia Falls, MT September 4, 2012 – Zinc Air, Inc. (ZAI), an emerging global player in the field of energy storage, is pleased to announce that it has been selected as one out of only fourteen presenters to speak at the 2012 Venture Capital in the Rockies Fall Conference.  The conference is scheduled for September 26th – September 28th at the Big Sky Resort in the Summit Hotel located at One Loan Mountain Trail in Big Sky, Montana.

“We are excited for the opportunity to showcase Zinc Air, Inc. as a presenter at VCIR Fall 2012 in front of a talented group of investment bankers, venture capitalists and private investors from around the country. The conference also allows the Rocky Mountain Venture Capital Association and KPMG LLP to showcase the outstanding investment opportunities in the Rocky Mountain Region to the investment community from around the country,” states the VCIR Committee.

Zinc Air, Inc. is a leader in developing technologies for energy storage systems designed to positively impact our future for global energy efficiency. Zinc Air, Inc. understands that the global economy makes commercial and industrial resource efficiency more important than ever. With their innovation in developing large-scale storage systems, Zinc Air, Inc. will meet the energy needs in addition to providing demand reduction, load shifting, backup generation, and integration of distributed generation from renewables. For more information on the conference, visit http://www.vcirfall.com to view the agenda.

About Zinc Air, Inc.:
Zinc Air, Inc. is developing grid-level energy storage solutions. Founded in 2009, and based on ten previous years of research, it is now commercializing systems for mega-watt applications. ZAI has assembled a world-class team of experts to deliver complete solutions to our customers. The ZAI solution is safe, cost effective and scalable to meet the needs of today’s ever changing energy landscape. To learn more, visit www.zincairinc.com

Media Contact:  Kevin Waldher

Phone: (406) 755-ZINC (9462)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Zinc Air Inc Working with Wind Farm Technology

Juhl Wind Inc. (OTCBB: JUHL), the leader in Community Wind Power, signed a Letter of Intent with Zinc Air, Inc. for the installation of a 1 Megawatt advanced energy storage system developed by Zinc Air. Juhl Wind plans to install the system at its recently acquired Woodstock Hills wind farm located near the Company’s headquarters in Woodstock, Minnesota.

Zinc Air Inc., based in Kalispell, Montana, is the developer of a Zinc Redox flow battery designed to achieve rapid payback periods while also being the greenest battery technology on the market. This competitive storage solution allows a wind farm to store and shift wind power for flexible use by utility operators.

“We selected Zinc Air and its core technology for our first system because we believe it offers the combination of being the most advanced technology along with the most environmentally safe option in the field of energy storage,” stated Dan Juhl, Chairman and CEO of Juhl Wind. “We have carefully studied the growth in storage technologies because we believe large scale storage will unlock the full value of wind power. If we can build a combination wind farm with storage for the cost of a new coal plant, we are confident we can deliver totally clean electricity that can compete head-to-head with the wholesale energy market today and into the future. With no fuel costs and all of the obvious health benefits, if we can deliver a dispatchable resource that is head-to-head competitive, wind power can grow even more rapidly. At Juhl, we want to be on the forefront of this next wave of wind power.”

We look forward to working with Juhl Wind on this initial program and the additional follow-on utility-scale storage systems programs,” stated Dave Wilkins, President and CEO of Zinc Air Inc. “As one of the leading developers of wind power, Juhl Wind is a strategic partner that establishes Zinc Air in the critical wind energy market. The wind energy market and other renewable markets will continue to be a focus for the company in order to best exploit flow battery technology.”

For more information about Zinc Air Inc technologies and how to get involved, please contact Kevin Walder at (406) 755-ZINC (9462). Visit the website at www.ZincAirInc.com.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Zinc Air Inc. Captures Zinc Fuel Cell Technology

A Montana company has found a low-cost, environmentally safe solution to power electric vehicles for generations to come, thanks to a technology developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Kalispell, Mont.-based Zinc Air, Inc. (ZAI) has exclusive rights from LLNL for the zinc air fuel cell (U.S. Patent 5,434,020) invented by John Cooper, a retired LLNL chemist.

Zinc Air technology is now seeing life because of the anticipated demand for efficient, low-cost alternatives to lithium for electric vehicle battery production. One of the many benefits of this technology is that it enables continuous fuel feed while the system is under load, making it ideal for electronic vehicle and fleet power supply.

This technology on a small scale also may provide portable power as a generator (1-3 kW) or can be scaled up to provide enough power to operate high-use fleet vehicles and buses. ZAI is in discussions with multiple fleet vehicle manufacturers to develop products for their immediate needs. The company is developing and testing their technologies along with full-scale field testing ongoing.

ZAI is a privately held corporation headquartered in Kalispell, MT. It is focused on the development of sustainable energy storage solutions for transportation and smart grid applications intended to provide high levels of efficiency at low costs. ZAI is also committed to providing the “greenest” battery technology using zinc chemistry, which is abundant, inexpensive and environmentally friendly. In addition to the Zinc Air Fuel Cell, ZAI is in the process of developing a grid-scale storage technology to provide the next generation of batteries for smart grid applications, which will allow for the integration of wind energy and other renewable generation. For more information on ZAI, please contact the company by email at info@zincairinc.com.

 Zinc in use in bus fleet

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Zinc Air Inc Examines the Presidential Candidates and Energy Efficiency

Zinc Air Inc. has recently been named a recipient of the Business Innovators Award for developing technologies in renewable energy resources and energy storage systems. Zinc Air is a company to check out and join, if energy storage and delivery for our future is your concern. Our political leaders are not as clear with their messages.

Below are some quotes on energy efficiency from President Barack Obama and Republican front-runner Mitt Romney. I’ll start with Romney since his stand is less clear, at least to me. Romney pushed a green agenda while Governor of Massachusetts, but recently attacked renewable energy as “imaginary.” He doesn’t, however, appear to direct the same criticism at energy efficiency.

Romney on energy efficiency
“I also want to see us become more energy efficient. I’m told that we use almost twice as much energy per person as does a European, and more like three times as much as does a Japanese citizen. We could do a lot better. I’d like to see our vehicles, and our homes, and our systems of insulation and so forth become far more efficient. I believe that we have a role in trying to encourage that to happen.”Think Progress, June 6, 2011.
When he was governor of Massachusetts, Romney proposed a four step energy plan, which began with increasing energy efficiency for homes, businesses, state buildings, and vehicles.
In contrast, Romney pushes an agenda of energy production, not savings, on his campaign website. He criticizes Obama’s green energy programs, and calls for alternative energy funding to be used on basic research. The energy issues page does not mention energy efficiency or conservation.

Obama on energy efficiency
“The easiest way to save money is to waste less energy,” – Obama, January 24, 2012, State of the Union Address.
Obama has been unabashedly pro-energy efficiency. As I reported in February, Obama’s 2013 budget won accolades from energy efficiency advocates because it called for about $1.2 billion in spending for energy efficiency.
In addition, Obama’s Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future pushes energy efficiency across all sectors: buildings, homes, factories, vehicles, and calls for export of U.S. energy efficiency technologies.

Still, in the “Energy and Environment” section of his campaign website, energy production takes up most of the ink — wind, solar, oil and clean coal — as part of his “all of the above strategy.” The site includes a section on the fuel economy standards Obama negotiated with car manufacturers.
In Congress, Republicans and Democrats have both pushed energy efficiency legislation. It remains to be seen if the resource can remain free of the political fray in this election, where candidates seem determined to disagree on everything.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Zinc Air, Inc. is a Recipient In First Annual Innovative Business Awards

Columbia Falls, MT – Zinc Air, Inc. (ZAI), an emerging global player in the field of energy storage, is pleased to announce today that it will be recognized by Governor Brian Schweitzer with an innovative business award at the first annual Governor’s Innovation Day and Awards Dinner to be held August 28th at Montana State University. 

“We are very pleased to call Montana home and thrilled that Governor Schweitzer has chosen to recognize the hard work we’ve been doing,” said ZAI Co-founder and CEO Dave Wilkins. “The technology we are developing will transform people’s lives across the globe by providing them access to cheaper, cleaner energy. We have assembled a world-class team here and we are all excited about the impact we can have. Montana is very much in our blood and is reflected in our dedication and the quality of work we do.”

These are just a few companies that exemplify the opportunities businesses have in Montana.  When you could be doing business anywhere in the world, why not do business in Montana with our low taxes, world-class schools, and a quality of life that is unmatched?,” asked Governor Brian Schweitzer.

The Governor’s Innovation Day and Awards Dinner will feature a panel of high level business leaders and investors, and tours of Montana State University’s cutting-edge labs and research centers concluding with the Governor’s Innovation Awards Dinner where selected Montana companies will be recognized for their excellence in innovation and the contributions their companies have made to Montana’s economy. 

“Montana’s innovation economy is on fire. Companies across the state are growing and creating jobs in new, innovative ways,” said Governor Schweitzer.  “This is a great opportunity for all companies to come together, network, and have a conversation about Montana’s growing innovation economy.”
Zinc Air, Inc. is developing grid-level energy storage solutions. Founded in 2009, and based on ten previous years of research, it is now commercializing systems for mega-watt applications. ZAI has assembled a world-class team of experts to deliver complete solutions to our customers. The ZAI solution is safe, cost effective and scalable to meet the needs of today’s ever changing energy landscape. To learn more, visit www.zincairinc.com