Monday, October 1, 2012

Zinc Air Inc Working for Energy Independence Goals

The following is an excerpt from an article posted by  James Greenberger:

"In his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, Mitt Romney referred to his plan for the United States to achieve energy independence by 2020.  That plan is explained in a little more detail in a document entitled “A Romney Plan for A Stronger Middle Class: Energy Independence”, which was released earlier this week by the Romney-Ryan campaign.

Whether it is realistic to assume that energy independence can be achieved by 2020 is beyond the scope of this column.  Nevertheless, the Romney-Ryan plan makes for an interesting read.  While the plan proposes to support a wide range of energy production—petroleum, gas, coal, and even renewables—its promise of energy independence centers on the purported existence of large quantities of economically recoverable domestic petroleum and the assumption that a lot more economically recoverable domestic petroleum will soon be discovered.

Energy independence is a laudable goal, even if based on large increases in domestic petroleum production.  Although its allegedly favorable impact on gasoline prices is oversold, increasing the domestic production of liquid hydrocarbons would make U.S. energy supplies more secure, improve our balance of trade, and create significant additional domestic employment.

 Electricity storage technology, deployed in automotive and grid-supporting applications, is certainly part of the long term solution.  Funding the necessary development and deployment of that technology during a period of relative petroleum abundance will be difficult for the private sector to do alone.  We should watch with interest what the two campaigns have to say about this issue in the weeks ahead and not allow the country to be lulled into complacency by promises from either campaign of a short term fix."

Zinc Air Inc. is a company working on solutions for renewable energy storage. Zinc Air understands the technologies and the needs and they have the expertise behind their innovations. For more information, visit

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